Loreal Professional Portfolio Artist
FGT 675C
When working 10-12 hour days, there is only 1 brand of shears I want in my hand. My Fan Outs. The sleek, lightweight shears go the distance with me.
“Life is an endless struggle full of frustration and challenges, but eventually you will find a hairstylist you like.”
Unknown Author
Sherry MacDonald
Inspire, educate and believe. Sherry believes that true inspiration comes with the knowledge of something that you can believe in. Sherry is a Loreal Professionnel Portfolio Artist who shares her passion of the industry by bringing creativity, excitement and knowledge to design and style. As a Portfolio Artist Sherry has traveled the United States working with the top salons, taught advanced academy classes, helped create the Fall/ Winter 2010 collections, worked New York Fashion week, Main stage artist for ABS and Premier shows and attended “Charisma” training.
“Giving back to others what has been given to you is the best feeling ever, by doing this you are helping stylist to reach their full potential.”